Friday, October 24, 2008


Yay! Let's see... at the gym I got *soaked* with sweat today. I really had a great workout. I'm feeling awesome. I feel like most of the stress of the past couple weeks is over. I'm ready to put my focus back on this effort - I'm glad that even though I wasn't thinking about weight-loss non-stop, I still made it to the gym every morning without fail. So important! Today we shut down shop at 11 to move our operation across town. Then we're going out at 5 for cocktails. So it should be a nice cap on a great last couple days.


1 comment:

40 Something said...

Hey Roder, so glad to see your doing great. I have been using SparkPeople and been active in their forums for a 16 week challenge. I am down to 337 again and hoping to get under 300 by March 2009. The link to my sparkpage in on my blogger profile if you want to see. I am very proud of you for getting back at this on your own, it is all about doing this for ourselves. Keep it up!

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going