Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sore, scratchy throat

I woke up today and feel kind of terrible. My throat is dry, sore and scratchy. It's negative 15 degrees outside, and I have a tendency to sleep with my window cracked open and lots of blankets on my bed. It creates a super-warm cocoon for me to snooze in, but it may have led to the sickies. Blech.

Oh well, still got up. Still went to the gym.

Yesterday I was pressed for time, which is why I had such a weak blog post, but I got all caught up at work and now the pressure is passed down the line to the next guy. I guess that's good?

Anyway, not much else is going on. This place is frozen and quiet and I'm continuing to do my thing.


Anonymous said...

Ah negative 15 degrees. The scourge of a Minnesotan winter. As an Alaskan originally, I know it all too well. I've spent mornings in the winter getting up before the sun to go workout, so I feel for you man. Way to go, that is rough...rough enough that it stops A LOT of folks. Have a great one

Linda - Operation Stick To It said...

dang, everybody is getting sick!!! Good job on working out though it though! That's huge!

Geoff said...

I've got the opposite problem with the weather. It's been in the 80s here and it's insanely dry, which is killing my throat and lungs. I'm sure I would prefer the heat to the cold, but it's miserable nonetheless (especially when you're sick).

Hanlie said...

I hope the sore throat doesn't turn into anything more...

Kimberly said...

You still got up?
You still went to the gym?

I SO want your resolve. I really, really do.

Skye-Lynn said...

Sorry to hear about the sickies. Yuck! Hope it's really nothing. Who knows, maybe you'll sweat it out at the gym!

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going