Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Today I stepped on the scale and it read 287.0. That's a 0.7lb loss for the second straight day! Yesterday at lunch I had cafeteria food - I got the "healthy mix" that they offer. I think it was called... rangut? Maybe? Don't know. It had some meat, some cabbage, some carrots... it was fine. I also had a breadstick, a banana, and original flavored Sun Chips. Probably could have done without the chips, but whatever. For the most part these days (with the exception of weekends) I'm eating for fuel, not for pleasure. So steel oats, rangut, salads... I don't care what it is from a "is it yummy?" perspective. I just want to keep losing, because there's no hamburger or slice of pizza in the world that can make me feel better than a lower number on the scale can.

What else? Not too sure... I had a decent chest day today. It's time to go up on the bench press. For whatever reason, my chest and biceps have always been my two weakest muscles to train, while my legs and shoulders are consistently rockstars. I'm sure everyone has a different makeup when it comes to that, and which body parts train up better than others. I guess I wish that the two big 'showoff' muscles weren't my two tough spots, but whattaya do? Focus on the exercises and push/pull hard, don't slack. That's what you do. So that's what I did today. And my chest still feels a little trembly from the exercises 90 minutes ago. Sweet!



Ripx180 said...

From reading your blog it looks like you are seriously in the zone!! Keep the workouts rolling and the diet clean and you will continue to be rewarded on the scale.

Roder said...

I'm definitely focused right now, and I'm getting the results I'm looking for because of it. I look around at other blogs and it looks like many are starting to wane - that makes me nervous. The waxing and waning of motivation seems to be from the emotional side of losing/gaining weight, not the physical side, so it's something to be aware of at all times.

Shrink to Fit said...

"because there's no hamburger or slice of pizza in the world that can make me feel better than a lower number on the scale can."

I love this! I think I'll make it my new mantra! Keep up the good work!

Tony said...

hey fellow minnesotan. Keep up the good work =). I agree, no piece of pizza would make me feel better than a lower number on the scale.

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going