Monday, February 09, 2009

Not a bad weekend!

Hey all,
I'm at work and don't have time for a real post. The best thing I can share with you is that I only picked up 0.6 pounds over the weekend, and that's with chomping down half-a-bag of chips and dip! So yay to that. I hope to be at/under 265 by Wednesday, and clearing that next mini-goal. Work hard everyone!


Carlos said...

that's a result given the salt...

Ron said...

Yea, thats a small salt gain!

A Diva On a Diet said...

Well, make sure you get some fiber and lots of water when eating something like chips next time.. group it with some edemame beans or something high in fiber so that the fat bind to the fiber and go bye bye! Good work this wknd, 0.6 is just small water retention

40 Something said...

you will hit 265 and just keep heading downwards

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going