Monday, February 16, 2009

Bye-bye Resolutioners

The gym this morning was pretty empty. I guess it never did fill up like the quickie articles (blurbs?) in Men's Health or MSN threatened it would, but still there was a perceptible bump up in numbers. That's gone now. The pair of women in their late 50s don't show. The guy wearing one of those official NFL jerseys that cost $200 to every workout hasn't been there in awhile. Those two dudes who wear their construction boots to the weightroom and go in to work without showering are gone too.

Yep - Valentine's Day has come and went, and it looks like most of the New Year's Resolutioners didn't make it. Such is the problem with the Resolution to begin with, I think. There's nothing concrete about it. It's just a number. It's just a day. It's the same with people who, confronted with their need to change say, "I'm planning to start on Monday." That Monday is weak as wet paper, and just about as useless. Setting a date to start doesn't typically work. Neither does saying things like, "I'll start tomorrow, so tonight I'm going to have a blow-out as I can't ever eat this fried chicken/cheeseburger/pizza again!", followed by a total binge. When people do that, they're really affirming that they don't want to give those things up. That they're not ready to.

Don't wait for Monday. Don't have a splurge dinner. Let go of the chains that keep you bound to your unhappiness. Just do it. Just start.



wildfluffysheep said...

Yep.You are so right. Been there soooo many times. I'll start monday... and always fail to follow through with it. Its about wanting it now, really really wanting it there and then.

I didn't make any resolutions this year.

I feel ready to start.
(well continue on with my starting)

Ron said...

Great post!!!

Brian said...

the problem with the resolution is that people are doing it because they feel they have to, not because they want to. Don't have a resolution until you're ready and until you really want to do it. I happened to have had mine in July (of 07).

A Diva On a Diet said...

yes you are so right, the gym was packed in the beginning of the year and there was no room for i dont have to beat traffic and almost run over the people going in the gym when it opens up at 430am to get to an elliptical machine. i am glad the resolutioners are gone for my own selfish reasons but i do wish they woulda stuck with it deep down inside
(im so naughty sometimes)

Unknown said...

I was thinking about the same thing this morning. Except not with the gym, with bloggers. I'm noticing a fall off.

It scares me a little, because it could easily be me.

Roder said...

I've seen the same thing HopeFool. Less and less postings lead me to believe that people are realizing that this isn't the easiest thing in the world and are backing off the hard work. In a couple months time they'll post again and be frustrated that they have to re-lose the 20 pounds they've already shed once. It's nasty - that's one of the reasons I'm dedicated to posting daily. If I force myself to just do that, even if it's a crappy 5 minute post, I'm still focusing on my main goal and not letting slip away due to apathy.

Very important.

Jenn said...

SO true - I don't believe in NY resolutions because of this very thing. If you're going to do something, it won't matter the time of year. My first real successful weight loss started before Thanksgiving '03. This time? It was December first. I always choose bad timing, but maybe with more temptation I feel like I have more willpower and I feel stronger. :)


Dina said...

Yeah, I've noticed the same thing as Hopefool, less blogging going on.

I hope everyone finds the strength to make the change and come back.

Loud Spirit said...

Fantastic post Roder. I'll just add my agreement - weight loss is such a hard thing to do an even harder to maintain.

I think Brian hit on a good point - it's all about when you are really ready.

Ripx180 said...

good post man. I totally agree that "there is no better time to start than right now". I always enjoyed the gym more when the resolutioners had given up.

Got to totally agree with Hopefool too. Being the comment ho I am it saddens me to not see much feedback on my blog or anyone elses. Wheres all the love..... ;)

bbubblyb said...

I'm glad to see them go from the gym to be honest. Not that I don't want people sticking with it but really anytime is a good time to start not just the 1st of the year. You're right too about the last meal, that use to sooo be me. I agree that blogging helps, it really is about the accountability.

Carlos said...

great post and so true. have to decide to change, then keep deciding every friggin day.

Sabs said...

I have noticed the same. I am just happy I am not one of those people!

♥ Dee ♥ said...

Ha! I love your mindset! I'm of the "just do it" camp, too!

My favourite saying? Don't try. It gives you permission to fail. Just do it.

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your blog. I recently started my weight loss changed in January 12th to be exact. I told my self that this is not a resolution this is not a diet, this is a life style change. In fact if I had a resolution it would to NOT have a resolution in the first place. Resolutions fail. Any ways great blog, I have read a few pages. I am definetely adding it to my reading list. THANKS!

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