Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MIA, but not DOA

Hey all - this past Sunday I awoke with a sniffle and a cough - a harbinger of things to come.

Thankfully today I'm feeling much better, but being laid up at home with no laptop (my hard drive went kaput on me and I had to send her off to the repair shop) I've been going a bit batty. No exercise to speak of, and frankly I won't until tomorrow at the earliest. I have a history of trying to get back into the normal groove post-sickness, and it never works out. Always a relapse afterward. So this time I'm just going to chill out and not stress.

Dan the Workout Partner has been off too - apparently the changing of the seasons here in MN (it's been in the 50s, down 20 degrees over the weekend!) affects both him and me. At any rate, my bedroom has never been cleaner, and I caught up a bit on my Netflix queue.

Be well!


antgirl said...

We had a radical weather change, too. I had the A/C on Sunday. Monday I turned on the heat. We went from hi 80's to low 50's. Brrr. Get better!

blah said...

I am so glad to hear you are feeling better!

screwdestiny said...

I'm sitting here, looking at the 33 degrees my WeatherBug is displaying, and this is the afternoon. Don't complain. :-P

Tigerlilly said...

Glad your on the mend. I'm afraid I'm suffering the same sniffles and cough... blech. I'll be sending well wishes from my clean bedroom to yours!!

InWeighOverMyHead said...

Hope your feeling better!

- Lisa

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going