Monday, December 28, 2009

It's come to my attention...

...That I'm neglecting things.

It's amazing to me just how fast I can spin out of control. Just days prior to Thanksgiving I was at my lowest weight since starting this thing. Then I go away for an extended weekend, throw my routine out the window and *poof*, everything goes to shit.

And it's stayed shit.

Dan the Workout Partner has dumped me. He said that it was so he could ride the new commuter train into work downtown rather than drive, which will save money. He will also be going to the gym in his building now. And I'm sure that that's true, but when I asked him point-blank if my spotty attendance record the past month was a factor, he stammered and grew red in the face. Yep. So I've lost that, which will be an issue for me.

I got on the scale this morning for the first time in awhile. 263.3. That's up 16 pounds since Thanksgiving. Sixteen. And the New Years celebrations have yet to occur.


So I went to the gym this morning. No Dan. Oh well.

It's my hope that at least 6 pounds is fake. But I'm sure I've earned 10 of those hateful fuckers. So... damn. I'm a holiday statistic.

And I'm back.


Fat Daddy said...

It has happened to me many times over the years dude. The holidays can be so tough.

Glad you are back. And the silly season is about over, so you can just concentrate on getting down to biz.

MizFit said...

And I'm back.

And thats the most important thing.


Anonymous said...

Being back is the key. The most important thing. The thing that makes this different than other times.

So, good to have you back.

40 Something said...

The new year is going to help us all get more motivated, its hard when we have been at this weight loss thing for years and had some success, we get comfortable. We can go for obese to overweight in the next few months, what is holding us back, nothing should.

Shhhhh said...

So that's where you've been - spinning out of control. It's a wonder we didn't collide into one another. Pffttt!

Welcome back.

Tony said...

Glad to have you back. Only one more holiday to go!

Carrie said...

Good to see you back, Roder! I was wondering where you went. We know you can do this!

nic said...

Yay! Welcome back. Pounds be damned, what is the big deal about the new year anyway?

NYE is not a celebration around food like Thanksgiving and Christmas are, and people typically drink much slower out of tall skinny glasses than short fat ones so break open the champagne, eat regularly all day and have a good time. That's all it needs to be!

Katie J ♥ said...

Glad you are back man. I was wondering what was up but figured it was the holidays and you were slammed with work and family.

Good job on getting to the gym. That is a major step in the right direction.

antgirl said...

The holidays are tough. Like everyone has said, you are back. Only one more [holiday] to go, thank the universe.

bbubblyb said...

Good to have you back. Don't beat yourself up over the 16 lbs. I've noticed a lot of times it comes back off pretty quickly.

jo said...

I predict a big wind storm for Minnesota, and it's just going to blow all the shit on out of there. (In an eastward direction, not westward toward me. lol)

Life happens--when you fall off the horse, you get up, brush yourself off and get right back on. You learn along the way. Looks like you've done that and you're on your way.

EMILY said...

Hey, we've all been there. you just get back up and keep going. I recently started my own weightloss blog.
i am hoping it will help me in my quest.

Andrew is getting fit said...

Welcome to my world! Just keep on getting better a day at a time!

screwdestiny said...

It's good you're back. Was your fun at least worth it?

Diane Fit to the Finish said...

It's okay to have a gain - I had many of them on my journey to lose 158 pounds - but when I did I did exactly what you are doing. I turned around and went right back to what I knew worked.

I'm sorry you lost your workout partner - maybe you'll find someone else at the gym before long.

Stephanie said...

Consider that it might not have been only the holidays that threw you off. Was it a little intimidating to get so close to success? It is easy to self sabotage if we believe that we are undeserving of reaching our goals.
BODA weight loss

Apex Zombie said...

I don't post comments much here, but I read. You've been an inspiration to me, so it's good to see you're back. :)

Carlos said...

fuck doug... we got your back buddy... you so got this!

Pining for Pinterest said...

Welcome back!!!

SeaShore said...

The holidays are now over & you're back. Lots don't come back, you know?

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going