Monday, July 06, 2009


Today at the end of the lifting session Dan and I grabbed 25lb weights and finished up with lunges, doing a hammer curl of the dumbbell each time we stepped down. Such an amazing exercise in motor skill/control. We would lunge down and back the gym floor, turning with a pause at the end of one direction to come back to the starting point.

The initial start was fine, but by the time the turn occurred my body's coordination and motor skill would let me down. I'd get out of rhythm, out of breath and out of sorts. I got lightheaded and slightly confused. Basically I was reliving the night I lost my virginity with each lunge and curl. Yikes...

As we lifted, I'd confessed to Dan that apparently the top of my manhood had been rubbed raw this weekend. In the lockerroom, he grabbed a bottle of some ointment thing that he rubs on his arms when he gets new tattoos (both of his arms are half-sleeved from the shoulder to biceps). "Put this on your junk, it'll help," he said. He squeezed out a bit of some sort of petroleum jelly substance onto my finger. "uh..." I said. "Thanks. This is the gayest thing I've ever done. Don't tell anyone," was my response. So now I'm telling everyone. lol!

Anyway, the fourth was good, but this morning's weigh-in had me at 255 - so it was also very, very bad. Gotta sweat out that water weight gain. At least tomorrow is 45 minutes on the bike - that'll shake loose the junk!


Cole Walter Mellon said...

There's nothing gay about another dude in a lockerroom giving you petroleum jelly to put on your junk.

Waitaminute... there's nothing that's NOT gay about that. Sorry...

bbubblyb said...

Thanks for the laugh. Way to go on those tough lunges too.

40 Something said...

at least his treatment for you did not involve him putting the pet jelly on his junk.

Rebecca said...

Those lunges sounds familiar-great for balance too, although even though I have been doing them for months I don't seem to have gotten more balanced.

Well...great for revealing how unbalanced I am then!

And yeah...walking a very fine line with the jelly from Dan.

Anonymous said...

How does riding a bike shake loose your junk? Seems to me it would sorta kinda compress it! LOL

Sorry couldn't resist.

antgirl said...

Was it petroleum jelly or something else? :) Great work on the lunges.

screwdestiny said...

Thanks for the laugh. XD I think since you're recognizing it's gay, and shouldn't be a part of your daily routine, it's fine.

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going