Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This morning's stats

45 Minutes logged
4.5 Miles ellipsed
519 calories burned
11 Black Label Society songs
1 sweat-soaked t-shirt
And the commitment to go gymming when I just want to stay the hell in bed.

And since I'm feeling pretty damn good, I'll post this "before" pic. Somewhere around September-ish of '08. Spot the fatty.


Brightcetera said...

Suzi stole it!!! lol :D

Oh Roder!!! You know how I swoon over sweaty pics ...
I think it's time to post side-by-sides, don't you? To show how far you've come ... new readers might not know and they'd be inspired by your progress.

"And the commitment to go gymming when I just want to stay the hell in bed." ~~ amen

You look fantastic even without the sweat :D

bbubblyb said...

Way to go!!!

Tricia said...

Zakk Attack :P

Way to go, dude.

Carlos said...

awesome! way to push through!

antgirl said...

Wow! You've made fantastic progress. You go!

Kathleen said...

I agree it's time for a side-by-side!

Cole Walter Mellon said...

I can just hear the guy in the lower photo: "Waitress, bring me a number seven, a number four and two number threes. And a Diet Coke."

WTG man.

Unknown said...

lookin good Roder! Great job! :)

screwdestiny said...

That's incredible! And you've gotta love completely sweat-soaked shirts.

Anonymous said...

Way to go man. Love the workout, and the resolve.

Losinthisdangfat said...

Whoa! What HUGE difference! Great job on sticking with it even when you just wanna sit around. I'm really happy for you! You look awesome!

~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ said...

Wow! Awesome! Congrats!

M said...

Which one were you in the bottom pic?

Or is this a lame joke?

Either way, great job!

Ron said...

Your doing great man!!!!!

Ehren said...

Awesome sweatness!

Dina said...

Great job!

jo said...


Apex Zombie said...

Dude! That is freaking awesome!

I agree with *Fitcetera* about the side-by-sides.

Anonymous said...

SO BADASS DUDE! That rules you have come so far! i can't believe how much thinner you look in your face. there's some good lookin dude under there!

Anonymous said...

You are the coolest! Seriously, go boyyyy! Fantastic start to the post as well.... gymming over bed... it's a tough call and when you're done, so far and above better :)

Yayees for you! I'm doing a little chair cheer in your honor.

Amy W. said...

HI! I was just clicking through some of the people that follow my blog and I found you! I didnt know I had a guy reading my blog (I will stop saying "ladies" when I start my posts! You are looking awesome by the way! Good work!

Weight Control Help & Strategies said...

Good job keeping your stats!

Emmett said...

Love the pic. Its ok we were all there at some point.
Great job with the workout today.

"The Captain" said...

Great job on your progress!!!

Allison said...

Um, your T-shirt looks awesome! Sweat-soaked is the way to go.

Shrink to Fit said...

Well, I'm late to the party...
You have really done some life changing! Amazing how different you look from just last September. Way to go!

Where I've Been and Where I'm Going